- Sky Indoor Pool is open from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM
- Shower facilities should be used prior to entering the Pool
- Pool users must be in swimming gears
- Adult Pool size : L, 23.3M / W, 6.3M / D, 1.5M
- Kids Pool size : L, 6M / W, 6.3M / D, 0.5M
- When leaving the Pool area, the Pool users must dry themselves
- Children are the responsibility of their parents & guardians
- Ladies are kindly requested to remove their make up before entering the Pool
- For safety reasons, glass containers are not allowed in or around the Pools
- Music may only be listened to through proper headsets
- Residents or Visitors swim at their own risk
- The safety ring buoys are used for emergency only
- Lifeguards are not provided
- Bicycles, rollerblades, and skateboards are strictly not allowed along the Pool area